Psychological Egoism

An analysis of Joel Feinberg’s theory of psychological egoism, focusing on two arguments of this theory.

This paper describes psychological egoism. The paper critically evaluates two of the arguments in favor of psychological egoism according to Joel Feinberg’s theory. The writer provides his own opinion on one of those arguments, and concludes the essay by considering what someone defending psychological egoism might say in response to Feinberg’s criticism of the writer’s argument.
“Psychological Egoism (according to Joel Feinberg) is “the name given to the doctrine that the only thing anyone is capable of desiring or pursuing ultimately (as an end in itself) is his own self-interest.” (Feinberg p. 497) My understanding of this theory after reading the article is that every action or deed that is done by humans is for the solitary purpose of making you feel good about yourself, to positively stimulate your ego, or to reduce the injury or suffering that you may endure as the result of an action.”