Pharmacy Communications: Bridging the Gap

A discussion about the image of the pharmacist and his relationship with customers.

This paper discusses the problems of pharmacist image and how that contributes to the lack of communication with consumers. The paper addresses the passing of obra 90, which requires the pharmacist to consult with each patient about the medication being dispensed to them. The paper focuses on the geriatric population and shows how communication is absolutely essential in preventing any tragedies of accidental misuse of medication; the paper also discusses the special social skills necessary in educating an elderly consumer. The paper then highlights the need for public education on what a pharmacist does and how he or she can be an important resource understanding their medical situation and calls for the incorporation of geriatric rotation of pharmacy professionals in nursing homes to prepare them to service this population.
“Pharmacy had its beginnings in antiquity and one of its earliest known records is the Papyrus Ebers of Egyptian medical history in which recipes are found for pharmaceutical products” (Burlage). It was an experimental thing, trying and waiting. Earlier hunting gathering societies probably left this task of herbal medicine to the women because they were the ones who saw the impact of each plant very close. So in a sense the first pharmacists were women. Centuries later men started getting into the science of healing with elements and using a more scientific method. By the middle ages they had pushed the women apothecaries out of favor by calling them witches even though “Satisfied customers… attested to the normalcy of …. treatments, as well as to their effectiveness” (Stearns).and really left the science of healing with herbs with men.”