Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

An analysis of the themes in Tennessee Williams’ play.

This paper takes an analytical look at the themes in Tennessee Williams’ play, “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof”, where lies, deception, and the unrelenting search for the truth take its readers on a psychological journey. The paper also provides extensive background research on the writer himself.
“Big Daddy’s fight to overcome cancer is a tough one, and he deals with it by trying to regain his life back (The Dramatic World of Tennessee Williams 73). Brick blames his wife for Skipper’s suicide and responds to his death by becoming an alcoholic. He is full of disdain towards his wife, but Margaret is relentless to keep their marriage alive, even though she feels “all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof” (Tennessee Williams 104-105). Tennessee’s couples cease to sufficiently love each other, because he believes that a vicious society keeps lovers apart.”