Managing Organisational Change

An overview of the strategies available to deal with managing change and the common problems associated with a change process.

This paper outlines the strategies available to deal with managing change, the common problems associated with a change process and how the FKI Logistex group has dealt with change in recent years. It looks at the manifestations of resistance to organisational change and strategies such as the planned approach and emergent approach in dealing with the change process. It also provides examples of how Logistex has changed recently and highlights how the company has dealt with its resistance to change in the form of better communications from top management and by implementing an internal change agent.

Executive Summary
Assignment Brief
Introduction to change management
Introduction to FKI
Causes of Resistance to Organisational Change
Resistance to Change
Change Forces
Manifestations of Resistance to Change
Planned Approach
Emergent Approach
Issues and Considerations When Managing Change
Change Agents
Company Politics
Continuous Change
Change within FKI Logistex
“External forces greatly influence the change in an organization and are often the trigger for a change process. Some of the common external factors are economic, technological & social and political forces. All of these forces need to be analyzed from whether it is a competitor’s new product pushing prices down and increasing competitiveness to the general trends of finance or the direction the government is taking the country and the tightening or relaxing of regulations. All of these forces require watching and acting upon when required.”