William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

This paper discusses critics’ analyzes of Hamlet’s bizarre behavior in the play by William Shakespeare.

This paper discusses that Hamlet’s delay in acting questions whether Hamlet was a coward or a man worthy of admiration despite his flaws. The author points out that some critics believe that the complexity of Hamlet’s character indicates that he is aware of his own indecision resulting from his inner turmoil. The paper concludes that Hamlet was suffering from information overload; his delay is not a crime, and Hamlet should still be viewed as the tragic hero of Denmark.
Margreta Grazia notes the importance of this struggle. She also points out that in modern drama, character is destiny noting, Action thus issues from character and is expressive of the agent’s subjectivity.` She believes that `Hamlet is held back by reservations bears witness to his compulsion to move forward.` This conflict leads to Hamlet’s glory and doom, according to Grazia. The doom is present from the beginning of the play when Hamlet realizes the world is weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable. Grazia claims that Hamlet’s infinite spirit is mired in materiality through the entire play. He becomes the victim of his own `spirit’s war with itself, which prevents him from making a step in any direction. This point cannot be argued. We begin to question Hamlet’s character and it appears obvious that his struggle begins within his mind.