Trend Towards Socially Responsible Investment

Looks at the trend toward socially responsible investing.

This paper looks at the trend among baby boomers towards socially responsible investing, the reasons for this trend, and the benefits of investing in companies that do not actively pursue unethical or socially irresponsible activities. The paper lists some of the more successful socially responsible investment funds, strategies for socially responsible investing, and some of the different types of SRI funds available for investors.
“Socially Responsible Investing is a product of increased levels of social conscious behavior across a wide spectrum of cultural and social priorities. The current demographic of aging investors, those who are 50 years and older, are increasingly made up of the Baby Boom generation. When establishing their personal priorities during their young adult, this generation chose to pursue ecological, and social causes. As they enter a period of increasing levels of investment, it is reasonable that this same group would be equally concerned where they placed their money, and what companies they supported.”