Guyana: Past Economy and Present Infrastructure

An analysis the effect of a $10 million investment on the country of Guyana.

This paper explores the past economy of Guyana and the present infrastructure and reviews the effect a $10 million investment will have on the social, economic, political and cultural aspect of the country. The paper describes how the investment will be into a wood furniture manufacture business and discusses why it should be successful. The paper predicts that the investment will allow a profit to be realized within 10 years of its implementation.
“From 1991 until an year ago, Guyana’s economy was expanding at the astounding rate of 7 percent a year, earning praise from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Inter-American Development Bank and regional experts. But suddenly, with fallout from Asia’s financial crisis reaching Caribbean shores, the nation’s prosperity is in doubt.
The timber industry alone will likely suffer a 35 percent drop this year following economic difficulties in Indonesia, Malaysia and other Asian countries that have invested heavily in this sector. (Luxner 1998)
Asia was our main market for timber. At the same time, cheaper forest products from Asia have been displacing our exports to the industrialized world, said Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo, a 32-year-old economist who studied in the Soviet Union.