The Women’s and Civil Rights Movements

This paper chronicles the civil and women’s rights movements of the United States, taking note of significant events and accomplishments for both fronts, as well as identifying the most influential figures in each of the movements and their contributions.

This paper outlines both the women’s and civil rights movements, including their origins and evolution. Included in the discussion of the civil rights movement are momentus events like A. Philip Randolph’s famous threat to protest in 1941, the many freedom rides conducted by CORE, Martin Luher King Jr.’s famous speeches, etc. The women’s rights movement is covered thoroughly as well, including the influence of the Betty Friedan founded NOW organization, and legislation such as the pay act of 1963 and momentus court decisions such as the 1973 Roe vs. Wade case. Both movements are traced from their origins up to the current time.
`As World War II commenced, African Americans and women in the United States were not much better off than they were in the late 1800’s. Blacks were no longer slaves, but the same was true by 1890. Women had gained the right to vote nationwide with the passage of the nineteenth amendment in 1920, but they still were not anywhere close to having the rights that white men did. Starting with the World War II period, women and African Americans began to organize massive movements for their rights, and these movements have effected great change in American Society. Today, women and blacks have more rights than they ever had before, and today’s society has been greatly influenced by both the civil rights and women’s movements.`