The Caribbean has many definitions one of which includes the historical background of its nature and events

The Caribbean has many definitions one of which includes the historical background of its nature and events. It concludes that it is the area that saw the impact of European colonization, slavery, indentureship, and plantation system. This refers to all territories that experience the rule of European countries. These territories were inhabited by a variety of groups namely: the Amerindians, later in history the Africans brought through the trans- Atlantic slave trade and the indentured labourers which comprised of the Chinese, Indians etc. Such groups went through harsh treatment during these periods as a means portraying control and power by the Europeans but did not go without fight or resistance. The question above implores the writer to explain how these groups throughout history responded to oppression which is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel or unjust manner. This essay therefore will enlighten the reader about each group and the oppressive activities they had undergone and ascertain the various forms of resistance each group displayed.
In the year 1492 Christopher Columbus had set sail from Europe arriving in the Caribbean, two years after which he colonized some territories in the Caribbean. This led to the desire for expansion and trade and spread the Gospel for their colony in which led to their settlement. The Amerindians and Kalinagoes, the inhabitants at the time were soon manipulated into working for the Spaniards and were put under hazardous conditions such as mining for endless hours and going long periods without food. They were soon proven to be unsuitable for slave labour in newly formed plantations and were quickly and brutally annihilated. For those who survived had responded to this oppression by running away and moving into mountains, building villages and then returning to help the whites. This was called grand maroonage.
The depletion of the Amerindian labour force for the European Planation had led to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade which brought the Africans from their mother home to work on plantations for little or no wages in poor conditions.