Name __Klehily Arana______________________________ Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass on pages 174-183 of your text

Name __Klehily Arana______________________________ Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass on pages 174-183 of your text. Choose a quote that exhibits the use of powerful language and has a strong effect on you as the reader. Copy the quote in the box below. Then, list 5-6 powerful words or phrases from the quote. Explain in 2-3 high school level sentences what the quote means. Lastly, explain the effect the quote and powerful words has on the reader in 2-3 sentences. Type your answers directly onto this document, then submit it to the 6.01 Introduction Dropbox in the course. Quote from Frederick Douglas Narrative I saw nothing without seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, and felt nothing without feeling it. It looked from every star, it smiled in every calm, breathed in every wind, and moved in every storm. (Pg.181) 5-6 Powerful words/ phrases Saw nothing without seeing Heard nothing without hearing Felt nothing without feeling Smiled Breathed Moved What does it mean (2-3 sentences of analysis) This quote means Fredrick Douglas longs for freedom and desires to be freed, he feels that freedom is the secret to his life it is the formula to live with a smile. This freedom is there but he cannot reach it. What is the effect on the reader (2-3 sentences) The effect or impact the reader gets is that they think about how something in this case freedom can be so important and special to a person and their life. The reader takes advantage to think about their personal lives and how they cannot get to that special thing or, someone with so much meaning to them that is in front of their eyes but cannot reach it. Score ________/50 points Y, 4IsNXp
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