The Battle of Vienna

Examines the battle of Vienna as a turning point in the Muslim-Christian battle for supremacy.

This paper briefly looks at the history of Ottoman rule from the 15th to the 17th century and examines why the Ottomans were able to wield such power. The paper then looks at the threat the Ottoman empire posed to Vienna and how the Siege of Vienna preceded the Battle of Vienna, which ultimately marked the beginning of Ottoman decline in Europe.
“During the height of their power the Ottoman threat was so prominent that the worry of their effect in the Christian world appeared even in writings such as those by Martin Luther (Martin 26). The reason for the prodigious power held by the Ottomans was the paramilitary force known as the Janissaries, and weapons such as handguns and other advanced artillery. This enabled sultans to wield power over large territories, while minimizing the number of their forces. Another reason for the ease of Ottoman invasion was the weakness of Christian conviction at the time (Lunt 109). The Church was losing its power rapidly, while at the same time the new faith, Islam, began to take hold of previously faithful Christian states. Indeed, as the Christian faith waned in favor of Islam, some former Christians went so far as joining the Moslem army.”