Teenagers with tattoos have seemed to be normal for this generation

Teenagers with tattoos have seemed to be normal for this generation. In the past, you just didn’t see everyone with tattoos, you would see biker gangs, gang members, and outlaws with them. Now tattoos can be found on teenagers. Most people target teenagers with tattoos and piercings.
Teenagers with tattoos and piercings are targeted. I don’t see why because it doesn’t represent us as bad people. In Dr. Martin’s article “On Teenagers and Tattoos” he explains the importance and role of tattoos and piercings for teenagers. Teenagers get tattoos for many reasons, to symbolize a family member, to fit in with a particular group of people, and to simply have it because they like it. They are getting tattoos and piercings to commit to a event that happened in their life.
Dr. Martin explains in the article that adults should look at the reason for the tattoos, instead of instantly judging them, to find out and reveal the reasons behind these tattoos. Dr. Martin wants parents and adults to see the reasons why teens are getting tattoos and piercings. According to Dr. Martin he explains, “adolescents see tattoos and piercings as personal and beautifying statements” (368).
Dr. Martin also states parents and adults see these teenager’s tattoos as “oppositional and enraging affronts to their authority” (368). The problem is that if parents would just show interest in why these teens are getting tattoos and piercings, they would be able to communicate with teens and make a connection with them.
Teenagers are getting these tattoos and piercings because they have no control over their bodies (Martin, 369). He states in the article “teenagers feel prey to a rapidly evolving body over which they have no say, self -made and openly visible decorations may restore an adolescents’ sense of normalcy and control” (369). Teenagers are gaining more confidence and control over their bodies when they get tattoos.
Teenagers get tattoos and body piercings for independence. In Dr. Martin’s article he states “Tattoos and body piercings can offer concrete and readily available solution for many of the identity crisis and conflicts normative to adolescent development” (368). Dr. Martin explains in the article that teens today are looking to fit in.
Teenagers with tattoos are trying to gain control over their body and parents are trying to keep control over their teen, it is like a struggle for control. Teens are looking for consistency. They are listed in the article as getting tattoos for stable foundation or a sense of belonging to an emotion, person or event.