Social Hypocrisy in The God of Small Things

A review of the book “The God of Small Things” by Indian writer Arundhati Roy.

The paper examines the book “The God Of Small Things” by Arundhati Roy, and relates that Roy is against the societal hypocrisy in Indian society. The paper analyzes the literary techniques of foreshadowing, running together words and capitalizing the words she wants emphasized, and discusses how this novel is a representation of the conflict that takes place amongst the society and the individuals as they rebel against their traditional roles.
“Roy’s novel was published in 1996 and won the prestigious Booker Prize in October 1997. The novel is written in a very subdued style where Roy tries to show the energy of the female characters while defying the male dominance. Using a series of flashbacks Roy depicts her story the covers the novels events. Starting at a point in time twenty-three years after the main events it opens at the death of Sophie Mon’s funeral.
“The story is about a divided family from South India in the state of Kerala where the characters unhappiness is related in perspective with the society within which they live.
The God of Small Things is written with a constrained style of words that is on par with the society which is being represented. The women are shown as the restrictive gender whose personality and sexuality is repressed and thus all the circumstances then become a part of that repression.”