Plato’s The Apology

This paper discusses that in his The Apology Plato wanted to describe the facts of Socrates’ trial rather than recount a dramatic, semi-fictitious version.

The mystery surrounding the true character and thoughts of Socrates has baffled philosophers for centuries. Through Plato’s presentation of this famed and dynamic philosopher, one can perhaps discern some evidence of the personality of Socrates that is not dealt with so explicitly in other works. Assuming that Plato’s description of the fascinating Socrates is based somewhat on fact, one can learn much about Socrates’ philosophy, personality, and role in the Athenian society. Of the various accounts written by Plato, perhaps one of the best records that delves into the wit and character of the man himself, is The Apology which presents another side of Socrates not described in Plato’s earlier works concerning the philosopher.

The reasons for choosing the Apology are based on Plato’s skill as writer and thinker, and for his close companionship with …