Officer Shootings

A discussion of the cases involving police officers shooting suspects.

This paper presents a detailed examination of officer shootings. The writer explores the basis for the shootings, and possible preventative measures for the future. The paper provides several examples of instances where suspects were shot and killed by police officers. The witnesses’ and attending officers’ accounts are discussed.
“Across the nation the news pumps information to the public about officers shooting suspects. Many times the shootings get scrutiny because the shootings are accused of being racially motivated. Other times they receive attention because the family of the victim alleges the victim did nothing that warranted being shot. In most cases the shootings are ruled as valid or reasonable, however that doesn’t mean there was no other solution. An officer is in a split second decision any time a shooting occurs. While one would never suggest that an officer endanger himself or others there are sometimes things that can be done to prevent the need for a shooting.”