Communication and Organizations

Examines how to create effective communication in an organizational setting.

Dominance, resistance, gendering of organizations, team and group cohesiveness, and media are all elements that form the basis of an organization in modern societies. This paper explores all of these elements and shows how they affect an individual and a company in terms of communicating effectively.
“Introducing new ideas and new mediums into a work setting has been better accepted if the ideas are introduced to groups and teams. Groups that are assigned to a particular task seem to generate better ideas and higher productivity (Yoo, 2001). In a group setting the dominance aspect is minimized due to the fact that everyone is working on an equal level. The group works together in a position that is gender neutral, lacks hierarchy, and therefore, produces better outcomes. There is more of a peer- to-peer morality than one of a superior-subordinate (Yoo, 2001). This leads to the central point illustrated in Engestroms journal that organization emerges in the interplay between conversation and text; conversation being the action and text being the criticism and understanding of the events (Engestrom, 1999).”