Leadership in International Management

The differences in Australia and Chinese culture and the type of leadership needed.

This paper looks at different types of leadership models and what types of leadership needs to be adopted to suceed in diferent cultures. The paper focuses on the comparison between the types of leadership skills needed in Australian and Chinese cultures and how these need to differ in order to succeed.
“Leadership is defined as influencing group members to achieve organisational goals. It is more then simply holding a management position. A good leader must possess the skills to motivate subordinates effectively and develop a leadership style based on the understanding of the Chinese national culture. (Cullen, 2002, pp. 534- 535). This essay will discuss the differences between the Australian and Chinese culture based on Hofstede’s model and the type of leadership style needed by an Australian leader to succeed in China. A leader needs to develop their style from the understanding of the Chinese national and business culture.”