Leadership and Management

An analysis of the conceptual and practical differences between leadership and management.

This paper critically examines and articulates key conceptual and practical differences between leadership and management through an analysis of the differences in the form, function and influence processes which underpin these complementary organisational roles. It explores the differing uses of power and influence within these roles and attempts to show that while management involves a key responsibility for leadership, effective management also needs to include the skillful application of other power bases which underpin the wider influencing tactics of effective leadership. It concludes that in the final analysis, leadership and management are likely to be different valuations of the same organisational behaviours
“Leadership is different from management, and the primary force behind successful change of any significance is the former, not the latter. Without successful leadership, the probability of mistakes increases greatly and the probability of success decreases accordingly. This is true no matter how the change is conceptualised – that is, in terms of new strategies, reengineering, acquisitions, restructuring, quality programs, cultural redesign and so on.”