Janis Joplin: New Woman of Rock

This paper discusses the life and contribution of the famous 1960s rock singer, Janis Joplin.

This paper explains that, many times, childhood has an impact on the stars. This was the case with Janis Joplin, who lived in a town that hated her as much as she hated it. The author points out that Janis Joplin was not only a fantastically talented singer, but also the poster-child for everything the 1960s stood for; she was unconventional, loud, high on drugs, bisexual, and unwilling to compromise simply because she was female. The paper relates Joplin became a superstar because of her raspy, bellowing voice, singing lyrics that she wrote and that demonstrated the concerns of the era.
“When Janis arrived in Los Angeles, she initially moved in with one aunt and then a second aunt. She was not thrilled with the set up and longed to get out on her own but she saw it as a transitional move. She wanted out of Texas, and she wanted to live in California. This opportunity made both of those desires come true. It was at her Aunt Dorothy’s house that Janis found acceptance for the first time in her life. Her aunt led an unconventional life and did not care what the world thought of her ways. For once Joplin had a kindred spirit and that relationship helped her accept herself.”