It mainly discussed about context of hybrid peace keeping operation in Africa

It mainly discussed about context of hybrid peace keeping operation in Africa; the mandates of military tasks such as monitoring ceasefires and patrolling buffer zones between hostile parties, and non-military tasks such as civilian policing, oversight of political and civil affairs, monitoring and protecting human rights, ensuring the promotion of the rule of law, providing access for humanitarian assistance, supporting reconstruction, undertaking public information, and gender mainstreaming particularly in Darfur (UNAMID) and other African countries under UN PKOs.
Finally, it focused on challenges that UNAMID faced during the deployment of its mandates and UNPKOs in Africa such as slow rate of UN deployment, in adequate manpower and logistics, non-cooperation of warlord, non-robust mandates, and non-tackling of root cause of conflict that hinder the effectiveness of UN PKOs in Africa in general.