A genuine case review in regards to quality assurance

A genuine case review in regards to quality assurance, regulations and inspection relating to safeguarding of vulnerable adults is Winterbourne view case revealed by BBC one program Panoramma. BBC One’s Panorama demonstrated patients at a private care home close Bristol, being slapped and controlled under seats, having their hair pulled and being held down as medication was forced into their mouths (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-20084254). This is a reasonable case which went unchallenged considering significant failings by managers, commissioners, regulators and safeguarding agencies. South Gloucestershire Council, CQC and the administration of the exclusive home had overlooked and not truly followed up on, complaints and reports or concerns already to this. CQC completed a responsive review in light of the fact that genuine concerns were distinguished in connection to eight aspects of the essential standards of quality and safety: Care and welfare of people who use services, Safeguarding people who use services from abuse, Management of medicines, Requirements relating to workers, Supporting workers, Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision, Complaints, Records. Following a serious review Care Quality commission has taken enforcement action to remove the location, winterbourne view, from the providers registration(https://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/1-116865865_castlebeck_care_teesdale_ltd_1-138702193_winterbourne_view_roc_20110517_201107183026.pdf). This example review has influenced quality assurance, regulation and inspection relating to safeguarding of vulnerable adults in light of the fact that these occurrences can be utilized to set up best practice to avoid or diminish the danger of comparable episodes can happen again and can likewise be utilized as preparing materials for staff to enhance their training and actualize new approaches and methods in the work setting.