A discussion of the causal relationship between genetics and crime.
This paper examines the multitude of issues related to crime and more specifically, the fundamental relationship between genetics and crime. It evaluates the three distinct methodologies (adoption studies, family studies, and twin studies) that are used to discover the correlation between genetic influences on antisocial and criminal behavior. It also reviews different twin studies and their correlation to antisocial and criminal behavior. It concludes with recommendations for finding solutions to the crime problem.
“Few issues are as controversial and difficult to resolve as crime. Over the past 20-25 years, public concern over certain aspects of the crime problem has intensified. In particular, law enforcement and the public have focused on the challenge of supervising parolees and probationers in the community, juvenile crime, the role of television in producing violence, and urban gangs. Researchers have found a causal relationship exists between crime and such traits as: age; economic status; education level; environmental factors; ethnicity; gender; genetics; intelligence (or lack thereof); psychological factors; race; sex; sociological factors; etc.”