Fast Food Nation

This paper is an analysis of the critique of the modern fast-food industry by Eric Schlosser

Schlosser’s book, Fast Food Nation, argues that the institution of fast food, originally trumpeted as one of the successes of modern capitalism, was really a triumph of American advertising. It was dependent upon the exploitation of low-paid American workers, usually for part-time and non-benefit-conferring hours, and seduced children into making poor food choices that take them away from wholesome family meals. The paper shows how Schlosser’s main point in his book is that fast food was a uniquely American institution, but became something that pulled America apart. The paper also examines Schlosser’s use of rhetoric, logic, and pathos in his book.
Schlosser has some respect for the founders of fast food. Like our nation’s founding fathers, Schlosser admits Kroc had a vision. Kroc deployed capitalism and freedom to realize that vision in an energetic and individualistic fashion. However, the consequences of untrammeled capitalism and advertising that was attractive to American ideals of convenience, sameness, and product loyalty also created a nightmare for many individuals, particularly those whose health was damaged by the sanitary procedures common at many fast food establishments. Kroc’s individualism and enterprise also put many mom and pop businesses, out of business.