Enlargement of the European Union

A discussion of the criteria for new countries attempting to enter the European Union and the effects of enlargement.

This paper provides an insight to the European Union. It begins with a brief history from the Treaty of Paris in 1951 with 6 countries until the current 15 member countries. It examines the effect of enlargement such as the political, economical, and cultural benefits and shows how adding the prospective countries would instill a greater sense of safety and peace. It looks at the 13 countries who are currently being examined to enter the European Union, the necessary economic and political conditions that must be met and the extent to which each individual country meets them.
“After having gone through two major world wars, Europe was ready for a settlement. This basic idea was the start of the need for a unification of the European countries, since this unification would be the key to finally keeping peace. In 1946, Churchill called for a “United States of Europe” that would have control over the production of coal and steel, two German resources that were known as being instrumental catalysts of war. The allied countries after the war felt that if Germany continued to have complete control over these resources, a future outbreak of war could be possible. As a result of this the six countries, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, became the founding members of the European Coal and Steel Community by signing the Treaty of Paris in 1951.”