Constructed Myths and Man’s Purpose

A detailed examination of Nietzsche’s theory of God and myths.

This paper examines the process by which myth is built within a community. What are the commonalities in the construction of myths? What is the return mankind receives by being a part of a myth structure? It explains that the underlying assumption is that, if there was not a need or an identifiable benefit from the myths, then men would discontinue their use. It discusses that this was the core of Nietzsche’s hypothesis. However, the continuance of constructed myth in mankind’s societal belief systems is similar to the ongoing need for grease in a wheel bearing. Without the myth, social orders to not function well. Atheistic communism has fallen, and social discord follows in nations that attempt to outlaw the exercise of religious beliefs. Like a thin coating of grease on sliding metal parts, the myth must serve some purpose. The final section of this paper considers the question as well.
`Since Nietzsche declared that God was dead, science and mankind has begun a twofold search. Nietzsche’s declaration asserted that, in detail, the need for God in the society’s constructed identity no longer existed. The scientific method and accompanying hopes for a utopian society would be ushered in by modern thought. Modern, logical and rational thought would be able to replace oppressive superstition, religious, and myth. Since his work, along with Jung, Kant and a myriad of others, the social sciences have searched for the purpose of religious life within the context of community. The ongoing survival of religion in the cultures around the world long after God’s widely reported death has created problem for sociologies and theologians alike.`