An examination of the problem of the shortage of organ donors in America.
This paper relates that there are too few organ donors in the United States, in particular, and in the world, in general. It suggests a plan of action the government could take to reverse this trend. This includes tax rebates, public advertisement campaigns, financial assistance, free life insurance, and cash payments to those who agree to donate their organs.
“Each day, in hospital waiting rooms, families are approached and asked if they will donate the organ’s of their dead or dying loved one for the purpose of transplant operations. While this timing appears to be cold hearted, there really isn’t a choice. The organs have to be harvested and transplanted within strict timelines or they are not viable for use. The nation’s residents are aware that there is currently a shortage of available organs compared to the number of people waiting on the list to receive them. Public announcement ads, posters at the driver test center and other attempts to bring the need to the public’s attention have worked. The nation knows there is a shortage and that organ donation can save lives. Knowing all of this however, has not prevented the shortage from occurring and as the medical community continues to prolong lives of those waiting for organs; the need will only get greater. Financial incentives for organ donation can provide families and individuals with the needed push to donate organs.”