Doctor Faustus and The Devil’s Advocate

A comparison between Charles Marlowe’s play `Doctor Faustus` and the 1997 movie `The Devil’s Advocate.

The paper shows how the play Doctor Faustus and the movie The Devil’s Advocate` both deal with similar themes including the struggle between good and evil and how the seven deadly sins can corrupt. It shows how, in each of the works, vanity is the primary sin that leads each character into evil. While this does create an overall similarity in theme, there are also some important differences between each work.
`Faustus chooses to sign a pact with the devil because of his need to succeed. Faustus seeks power, imagining in the opening scenes that he will have wealth and have the ability to remake Europe and change the world. It is not only ambition that drives Faustus, it is also a belief that he knows better than everyone. Faustus refuses to accept anything he has studied, as these things are just the works of others, instead he believes that only what he has to offer is worth anything. This is how Faustus’s pride appears in the play, in his belief in his own self-importance and his ambition to realize this importance. It is these qualities that allow him to reject God in the first place. While he is aware of the consequences, his excessive vanity causes him to believe that somehow he will be excused from the rules of God. This same vanity is also the downfall of Lomax in The Devil’s Advocate.`