Critical Issues for Successful Innovations in Organizations

Issues for successful innovations in different organization types.

The paper shows that human resource planning translates the organization’s objectives into terms the workers need to meet those objectives. Human resource planning is divided into three main steps; the first of which is to assess current human resources, the second is assessing future human resource needs and the third is to develop a program to meet future human resource needs. The paper describes how the term: Innovate or die! has become the rallying cry of today’s managers. In the dynamic, chaotic world of global competition, organization must create new products and services and adopt the state-of-the-art technology if they’re going to compete successfully. The paper discusses different issues relating to the innovations in organizations and how the managers deal with it. The study includes examples of some organizations that have successfully adopted new methods to stimulate innovation. It also reveals useful methods and procedures that different types of organizations can use to improve and manage innovation and deal with the critical issues regarding innovation.
The term creativity refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas. Innovation is the process of taking a creative idea and turning into a useful product. By just having creative people in an organization is not enough, it takes the right environment for the innovation process to take hold and prosper. Just like a flower requires the proper soil, watering, and light levels to grow. One of the factors influencing the innovation is the easy availability of resources, which provides a key building block for innovation. An abundance of resources means management can afford to purchase innovations, afford the cost of instituting innovations, and absorb failures. If an organization produces certain product(s) that has uncertainty in consumer demand than it becomes difficult to innovate. Further the general economic stability is necessary to instigate innovation. Many organizations recognized the importance of both individual and collective consciousness in producing autonomy and innovative behavior [Subramanian, 1996].