Confederation to Constitution

A discussion on the need for the Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation in providing more power to the federal government.

This paper discusses the necessity for the powers given to the federal government in the Constitution to regulate the states in place of the more autonomous semi-country status the states had previously under the Articles of Confederation. The paper explains the reasons for the Articles of Confederation and for their subsequent revision in the United States Constitution. The paper clearly shows how the Articles of Confederation gave too much power to the individual states and not enough power to the federal government.
“It was the bomb blast that was heard around the world. The explosion that killed 281 people in Oklahoma City, on April 19, 1995 shocked the country. But the larger psychological bomb would be detonated three days later, when it was learned that the evil came not from a Middle Eastern terrorist group, but from an American. “When the police stopped Timothy McVeigh seventy-five miles from the freshly exploded Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, he was wearing a T-shirt with an apparently incriminating message on the front: —Sic semper tyrannis–” (Fletcher).
“Timothy McViegh belonged to a group, one of many lurking in mid America, that seeks to garner for the states more autonomy as was granted the first thirteen in America’s first constitution, the Articles of Confederation. Because of this, we as a nation have had to re-examine both documents to understand where McViegh and others like him are getting their ideas. Upon examination, it is apparent that the Federalists were correct in the changes they made in broadening the federal government’s powers over the states.”