Atlantic Crossings and Social Policies

Discusses the book “Atlantic Crossings” about social policies of the twentieth century.

The paper looks at “Atlantic Crossings”, a book written on the social policy of the past century, and highlights the stance the author has taken in converging the policies of settlements and politics of that time. The paper asserts that Rodgers has managed to blend the skill and flair of his writing and knowledge to create a book that captures the audience from the beginning till the end. The paper also discusses his idea that past historians focus too much on the concept of ‘nation-state’ and miss the larger picture.
“Atlantic Crossings” is a book that depicts the social policy maintained by the American European’s in the past century. While many authors and academics have tried to translate the events of the time into narratives that are readable, comprehensive and factual not many have been able to carry out such a feat. Yet, Daniel Rodgers’ has managed to blend the skill and flair of his writing and knowledge creating a book that captures the audience form the beginning till the end. He has created a story that manages to interweave the brutality of the time and the changes of the society created through the turmoil of the Industrial revolution and actually humanize the whole process.
“With a controversial start the author asserts that Americans believe that their form of government is unique and particular to individual needs and that they were the founders of the social policy that has made America the super power it is today. However, he contends the invention cannot be attributed to the Americans no matter what their belief.”