Are the New England

Are the New England, middle, and southern colonies of colonial America all similar? In some aspects you could compare them being the same, for example all three colonies accepted men to go to college and study the bible and learn. The diversion in the three was between political and economical views. New England colonies were associated with the triangular trade network also known as slave trade. This went on from the 16th century all the way to the 19th century. Not only did it carry slaves but it also brought over cash crops and manufactured goods from other areas such as West Africa, Caribbean or American colonies. Government in the new England colonies varied it was either Royal or Charter. Royal meaning the were ruled straight under the English monarchy, but the Charter government was also familiar as self-government. Since the Puritans predominately ruled over them they accepted no other religion or religious freedom in the new England colonies, other than theirs. Starting with the middle colonies and their religious beliefs the colonies were mainly puritans except for Rhode Island. we known the puritans they life by a strict manner of a religious life. The economical part of this colony was different because they heavily relied on farming to produce the grains and the livestock. To do all the labor they had indentured servants to carry out the task at hand. The new England colonies connected to the English homeland as well as the west African slave coast, the Caribbean’s plantation islands, and the Iberian peninsula this was known as the Atlantic trade network. These colonies did a lot of back and forth trade with England, but in the late 1690s and the early 1700s an unfavorable trade balance was imposed by the English government. In this affair on new England and new york they raised duties opposing major colonial exports like fish and meat. That was to help English fisheries and agriculture, and in the end of this it meant the New England colonies were forced to buy more from England than they were able to sell back. The government view was the same until the puritan community was split in the 1700s into two groups. The first group was known as he separatist puritans, which wanted freedom to worship independently. The other group was as the non-separatists puritans, and they sought to reform the church from within. Ending with the south colonies there economical differences were how they depended on cash crops. Some of these cash crops were tobacco, indigo, and rice. These crops had high maintences therefore there was a lot of indentured servants to take care over them.