America Tested, 1865-1998

A discussion on the different crises in American society since 1865, with a focus on the bombing in Oklahoma city, 1998.

This paper discusses how the United States has come through various crisis since 1865. The paper looks at how America’s self concept took a blow with its economic collapse and the Great Depression that resulted in the 1930s and briefly mentions the war in Vietnam. The paper then focuses on the bombing in Oklahoma city in 1998 and asserts that it reminds one of the day that America lost her innocence and naivete about having enemies from within .
They stood on that ground to mark an anniversary. It was not a pleasant one to remember but it was felt that those who had given their lives deserved a remembrance. It had been three years since the country was torn by unexpected events. Events that changed the way America thought about itself and the way the world thought of America. America always thought of herself as having enemies yes but not enemies within. Her people expressed pride in the fact that America strong ideals of freedom and liberty who would not give themselves to this? There was a group who saw their freedoms and liberties to be different. But to grant them these would have meant anarchy and destruction. They were stopped but not before they exacted their devastating revenge. On this anniversary at this place perhaps one could hear the words We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place to those here that gave their lives that that nation might live(Lincoln 81) blowing on the breeze as the struggle to heal this nation’s wound continues.