Alberta and the Kyoto Accord

A look at the fight of the Alberta province of Canada against the instigation of the Kyoto Accord.

This paper examines the Kyoto Accord, an international treaty among signatory countries to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by their industries if their neighboring countries do likewise. In particular, it looks at how, in 1997, the federal government of Canada signed the Kyoto Accord, which committed it to cutting emissions of greenhouse gases to six percent by 2012 and how the province of Alberta, which produces the majority of Canada’s oil and gas, opposed the Treaty, as it would significantly cripple its energy industry and deprive it of billions of dollars.
Global warming has disturbed nature at an alarming rate and ways. It has already reduced the depth of winter polar ice cap since the 1970s by 40% (Green), which threatens to render polar bears to become extinct if the condition continues. Almost all glaciers are fast retreating, and this accelerates the heating effect. With more heat, there is more energy in the atmosphere, and, therefore, more bad weather. More heat will also redistribute rains. There have been many disasters throughout the world due to inclement weather. Droughts are another consequence of disturbed weather, and droughts have occurred in Canada. Monsoon rains, on which depends Asian agriculture, no longer come regularly because of this imbalance.