Affirmative Action in Higher Education

This paper is a personal essay that discusses how affirmative action helps qualified candidates overcome racism and sexism in higher education.

The paper explains that the whole point of affirmative action in higher education is to stop the discrimination of minorities and increase minority enrollment in higher education; but some white individuals feel as if they are the ones now being discriminated against. The author points out that California Proposition 209 banned all programs involving race and sex preferences run by the state. The paper relates that many students of color attend public schools that do not offer the advanced placement courses that can raise their GPAs in excess of 4.0; therefore, they will not even be considered for admission.
“Affirmative action quest to equalize groups has instead allowed for legalized prejudicial practices against white males. In face in Texas a lawsuit was filed alleging discrimination against white males. This is known as the Hopwood act. The affirmative action programs has been under attack in many cities because of many men, who like minorities, feel that they have been discriminated against by a system that prefers minority and gender preferences. It can be argued that the very groups targeted to benefit from affirmative action are no longer the ones that need protection. Instead the direction has changed to so that white males are now looked upon as minorities in many educational areas.”