ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine schema theory Methods Subjects The subjects were 111 university students in the department of psychology

The purpose of this study was to examine schema theory


The subjects were 111 university students in the department of psychology, they were randomly divided into three groups, with each group being allocated to either the basic memory condition, the forewarned memory condition or the copy condition. The participants were divided into three conditions.
In order to carry out the experiment, subjects were given a clear picture of a watch on a computer with a roman numeric pen, paper.
The first group was under the Basic Memory Condition. The second group was under the Forewarned Memory Condition. The third was under the Copy Condition. A precise timing of exactly 6 minutes was used to test the schema memory of the subjects.

(i) Condition A. Participants were given notice ”you are going to view a picture of a watch for one minute and examine it closely. after one minute the clock picture will disappear from the screen. Then they were structured to draw the clock on a piece of paper within five minutes”

(ii) Condition B. Participants were informed ”you are going to view a picture of a watch and should examine it closely. After one minute the clock face will disappear from the screen, then you need to draw the watch from memory. you have five minutes to do so”

(iii)Condition C. Participants were informed ” you are going to view a picture of a watch and should examine it carefully and drew a picture of it. You have five minutes to do so. Then they were asked if anything was unusual about the watch face. There was yes and please explain why, and no then select if you drew number four as 1 for (IIII), 2 for (IV) Or 3 for (something else) choices to answer this question.

Schema is categorised mind that helps us to organize and interpret the world we think in a categorized manner, which can be very adaptive.
anything in mind is that accessible to some level.
so the way we interpret the world matters. sort things in categories way to make a judgement but not always accurate judgements, but they are effective enough to allow us processing information quickly.