Kelly et

Kelly, 2016, conducted a study to assess the parental knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding fever in children. It was an interview study which was conducted with 23 parents in antenatal clinics in the south west of Ireland during March and April 2015. They used semi-structured interviews and Francis method was used to detect data saturation and thereby identify sample size. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Five themes were emerged from this study such as 1. assessing and 2. managing fever; 3. parental knowledge and beliefs regarding fever; 4. knowledge source; pharmaceutical products; 5. initiatives. Their study results were parents illustrated a good knowledge of fever as a symptom; however management practices varied between participants; Parents revealed reluctance to use medication in the form of suppositories; there was a desire for more accessible, consistent information to be made available for use by parents when their child had a fever or febrile illness. The study found that healthcare professionals should play a significant role in educating parents in how to manage fever and febrile illnesses in their children and accessible nature and location of pharmacies could provide useful support for both parents and general practitioners.