WWII Evacuation of British Children

This paper discusses the exodus of children from cities like London during WWII, the single greatest evacuation in Britain’s history.

This paper examines the forced evacuation in Britain during World War II of children, elderly, and chronically ill people to safe harbors to protect them from the bombings and gas attacks feared to hit populated areas, especially London write essay for me uk. The author relates that British children, sent to live in the countryside and in British dominions, were separated from their families, failed to receive proper medical attention and schooling, and lived in often unsuitable and rural accommodations. The paper points out that, while the evacuations could be seen as a success in their protection of the British children at risk during the war, the causative effects of the relocations stressed the children, their families, the foster families, and communities who took them in and the government responsible for putting the plan in action.
Complaints stemming from the evacuations arose from the villagers and townspeople receiving the children, as well. The occurrences of misbehavior by the fostered children were common, especially as they often brought with them attitudes and practices more consistent with city living. It was noted that an increase in petty crime occurred during the time span when the city children populated the rural areas of Britain. Thus, problems with adjustment were realized on both sides.