World Food Supply

An analysis of the book “Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity” by Francis Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins which makes a clear argument against the existence of “a world hunger crisis.”

The paper examines the book “Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity” which makes a clear argument against the existence of “a world hunger crisis.” It shows how authors Lappe and Collins support their main thesis that rather than a “global food shortage,” we are facing an unequal distribution system. It shows how the book discusses the development of our current food production and distribution systems and how it supports the idea that there is in reality enough food production to supply everyone on earth with an adequate amount of calories, but that there is much wasted energy in the production, packaging and distribution of food to certain parts of the world. Finally, the paper discusses the main thesis of the book that there is actually no real food shortage, just an unequal distribution to certain parts of the world.
“The primary focus of Lappe and Collins was to prove the theories of Malthus to be false through historical example. The theories of population growth as a basis for the existence of worldwide food famine is one of the major arguments world economists today who promote that distribution and development of better manufacturing techniques to in order to produce more food and support more people. Lappe and Collins have shown through many examples that there has always been enough food production to support the global population, but that a very small percent has been in control of the land to produce the food and the food itself, once produced. humans have always found a way to intensify food production to meet local needs.”