Wireless Local Access Networks

Discusses the benefits, uses and basic technologies of wireless local access networks (WLANs).

A WLAN is best described as an on-premise data communication system that decreases the need for wired connections and enables new applications, bringing new flexibility to networking. Mobile WLAN users are able to access information and network resources as they attend meetings, collaborate with other users, or move from location to location. The paper explains, however, that the benefits of WLANs go beyond user mobility and productivity to enable portable LANs. With WLANs, the network itself can be moved, as well. The future of WLANs is promising, as they have proven their effectiveness in vertical markets and are now experiencing broader applicability in a wide range of corporate settings. This paper discusses the business benefits and applications of WLANs and explains how WLANs differ from other wireless technologies. It also describes the basic technologies of WLANs and how they work together.
“With so many advances in wireless technology, the future of WLANs looks promising (Davies, 2003). Flexibility, rather than just straight mobility is the key to its future success . In the long run, wireless is never going to completely replace fixed wires, because there just isn’t enough spectrum available. Traditionally, WLANs have been used in sectors such as retailing and warehousing for inventory purposes or to provide instant access to large quantities of information. However, its usage has rapidly spread to mainstream business.”