Where to Study Radiography

A study of where students choose to learn radiography and the options available to them in their third year of studies.

The purpose of this study is to determine what factors need to be considered when examining the reasons that third-year diagnostic radiography students use to choose their first post. While these individuals do not always get their wish, there are reasons that they request specific hospitals and treatment facilities. An understanding of these reasons and why they are so very important to these individuals gives insight into what can be done to help hospital administrators recruit individuals for these positions in a manner to which the individuals will be receptive. Some hospitals appear to be struggling with this, and without being aware of the reasons that their hospital is being rejected as a choice of first post, there is little that hospital administrators can do to correct these issues and encourage diagnostic radiography technicians to come to their hospital.

Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Importance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Rationale of the Study
Overview of the Study
Review of the Literature
Data Gathering Method
Validity of the Data
Originality and Limitations of Data
Data Analysis
“For an accurate analysis of the information received through data collection, it is important that the current study be compared to a similar one, in order to indicate the validity of it. This previous study will be discussed here, with the information from the current study also discussed. In the literature that was reviewed in Chapter Two, much was discussed about how radiographers handle the issues that they deal with and the stress that they find themselves in. one of the most interesting findings in the literature review was the study performed by DiPlacido (2001) because it worked to show the correlations between stress, job burnout, and many other issues such as age, gender, and marital status that all interrelate and effect of the choices that radiographers, and as an extension of this presumably radiography students, make in their lives and careers. The current study looked at these students much in the same context of demographic information and opinions about stress, burnout, and other facts that tied in with the job that these individuals were about to embark upon.”