Westernization and Colonialism in the Global Society

A look at how the colonization of India and Africa affected their nations’ religious beliefs, education, politics, and the rest of the world.

This paper examines how two facets of society greatly affected by Westernization were religion and education and how, through colonization, many cultures began experiencing new teachings and beliefs that challenged their traditional religions. It looks at how colonialism had the greatest effects on religious practices, education, politics, and language, and how the influence of the Western culture on the colonies forced the native people to adapt to the European culture. It discusses how, although it mainly caused natives to lose their identification with their nations’ history and customs, in the long run, colonialism helped to pave the way for economic and political globalization. It shows how, as the individual nations gained their independence, they were able to re-evaluate the direction in which their nations were heading and decide how to incorporate their history and tradition with their new found freedom.
“In 1935, the Hindus and Muslims began to have a rivalry against the British. Two political parties began to emerge: the Muslim League and the Indian National Conference. The Muslim League was guided by their leader Muhammed Jinnah. Jinnah was familiar with the English language and customs. One of the major beliefs held by Jinnah and the Muslim League was that they were supporting that Indians not necessarily have their own nation, but at least have their own place inside the current structure. A primarily Hindu political party, the Indian National Congress, was formed in 1885 to help pursue independence from Great Britain (Britannica). The congress was more dominant than the Muslim League and helped to set up most of India’s governments after independence was gained.”