Water Pollution Treatments

An explanation of the various methods of water pollution treatment.

This paper explains that there are are two major types of water pollution treatment: physical and chemical. The paper goes on to explain the various methods of physical treatment, including filtration and air- or steam-stripping. Chemical treatments are for killing microbes in the case of bacterial pollution, but they may be used for altering the chemical makeup of the water to render it less harmful in the case of chemical pollution.

Three Major Problems
“Chemical treatments, generally, are for killing microbes in the case of bacterial pollution, but they may be used for altering the chemical makeup of the water to render it less harmful in the case of chemical pollution. Often, this sort of treatment is used to remove metal compounds from the water. Various materials such as dissolved iron or aluminum salts may be added to help the material to be removed either float or settle, again, depending on how it is to be ultimately removed.
Often, organic chemicals in water can be chemically destroyed by adding ozone or hydrogen peroxide. The ozone may also kill harmful bacterial, or chlorine may be added to do this. But of course, excess chlorine itself is harmful to aquatic life, so sulfur dioxide may then need to be added to make the “pure” water safe for discharge. Finally, chemicals may be added to water in a treatment system to help create thicker “sludge” so that the remaining water may be more easily removed.”