water in streams

water in streams; no land to build a home upon.
We follow their rules. We discover the world through a text book, for years we sit and regurgitate what we are told. Tested and graded, like subjects in a lab. Raised to not make a difference in the world; but raised to be no different. Smart enough to do our job; but not smart enough to question why we do it. So we work and work, left with no time to live the lives that we worked for. Until the day come when we are too old to do our job; It is here we wait until our death. Our children take our place in the system.
To us our path is unique, but together we are nothing but fuel. The fuel that powers the elite. The 1% of the 1% that hide behind the logos of corporations. This is their world. And their most valuable resource isn’t in the ground, it is us. We build their cities; we run their machines; we fight their wars. Money isn’t what drives them, it’s power. Money is simply a tool they use to control us. Worthless pieces of paper we depend on to feed us, to move us, and retain us. They gave us money, and in turn we gave them power to control the world.