Was Socrates Truly Happy?

An analysis of “The Crito”, “Gorgias”, and “Apology”.

This paper examines whether Socrates was a truly happy individual. It questions whether his decisions in life support the claim he was happy and also examines whether he lived by his own code.
“When a person meets their desires, they achieve true happiness. They obtain pleasure by engaging in their chosen activities. Socrates was one of the few genuinely happy individuals in the cultural pantheon. He constantly examined his own life and searched for ways to improve it. He was dedicated to practicing philosophy. Deriving true pleasure from the activity, he constantly immersed himself among individuals whom he engaged in meaningful conversation. Socrates adapted to circumstances and rationalized any situation. He did not have any source of unnecessary anxiety in his life. He was convinced that he had achieved a good life. Even when faced with execution, he was not afraid of his own mortality, which could have prevented him from being at peace.”