Explores the problem of school violence, what can be done to prevent it and how to deal with the aftermath of violence at school.
This paper contends that preventive planning in the school system will significantly reduce the occurrence of school violence. The paper suggests that safe and responsive schools can be achieved through greater parental involvement at all the stages of planning and response to school violence and through strong and effective relationships between schools and the mental health, police, and social services departments.
Creating a Safe and Responsive School Environment
Bullying Prevention
Early Identification and Intervention
Early Warning Signs
Responding to Threat
Risk Assessment and School-Wide Screening
Early Intervention: Mentoring and Counseling
Early Intervention Effective Than Zero Tolerance
Alternatives to Suspension and Expulsion
Crisis Intervention and Management
Creating a Safe and Responsive School Environment
Bullying Prevention
Early Identification and Intervention
Early Warning Signs
Responding to Threat
Risk Assessment and School-Wide Screening
Early Intervention: Mentoring and Counseling
Early Intervention Effective Than Zero Tolerance
Alternatives to Suspension and Expulsion
Crisis Intervention and Management
“Researchers in the field of school violence identify programs that effectively cut violence are proactive rather than reactive; involve families, students and the community; and include multiple components that can effectively address the complexity of school disruption and violence. Preventive programs, such as bullying prevention, peer mediation, or anger management, have far more data available to support their effectiveness than do technology-based fixes such as metal detectors or video surveillance cameras. (Skiba, R. J., 1999, 372-382) In one inner-city school with rates of dropout approaching 70%-80% among minority youth, consultants worked with teachers, helping them increase their rates of praise and reframe classroom rules to be more positive. In one year, school suspensions dropped by 35%, and over the course of the three-year project, school dropout decreased by almost 40%.”