Two Stories by D. H. Lawrence

This story describes and compares two D. H. Lawrence short stories: “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter and The Odor of Chrysanthemums

This paper first describes the stories on what the author of the paper called the superficial level of the plots. The author, then, analyzes topics of similarities between the two stories: Relations between men and women, an erotic subtext, the plight of women of the times, personal perspective without any societal consequences, and situations related to socio-economic conditions.
In The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, Lawrence traces a day in the life of Mabel Pervin with all its upheavals the nadir (an attempted suicide) and ultimate triumph in love. He presents the story as an effective contrast to Mabel’s life. Mabel’s countenance always set in a defiant scowl mirrors her life. Fiercely devoted to her parents, until her mother’s death and her father’s remarriage, Mabel has always been in control of the household, until poverty strikes. Her efforts in maintaining the household through thick and thin however, have never received credit. Lawrence’s story is about Mabel, making up to her for being ignored by all, especially her brothers, `They had talked at her or around her for so many years, that she hardly heard them at all.` ”