Two Great Parodists

The paper examines the use of parody in “A Modest Proposal,” by Jonathan Swift, and “The Damned Human Race” by Mark Twain.

The paper gives an overview of the two stories in which Swift’s goal is to raise awareness of the plight of the Irish and Twain’s goal is to argue against the religious concept that humans are God’s highest creation. The paper then explains the use of parade by the two authors in order to achieve their aims. The paper refers to three significant differences that exist between the two pieces of writing.
Twain, meanwhile, uses powers of observation to prove that animals are obviously more intelligent than humans. He describes an experiment where he taught a cat , a cat a rabbit a fox, a goose some doves [and] finally a monkey [to live] together in peace; even affectionately. Next he put an Irish Catholic, a Scottish Presbyterian, a Greek Christian, an Armenian, an American Methodist, a Buddhist from China and a Salvation Army colonel together, and they killed each other.