Truth or Dare

An analysis of the 1991 concert film starring Madonna, focusing on its mock-documentary/cinema verite styles and techniques in portraying the persona of the pop singer.

Film gives the illusion of being real to a much greater degree than the stage or any other dramatic art form, and yet the audience is aware that the film is not real, that it is created, and that there is a point of view behind this act of creation. With a documentary film, however, the audience is more inclined to accept whatever is seen as real and to fail to realize that there is a point of view shaping the material in a certain way. The experience of the film itself gives the viewer the illusion of direct knowledge. What the audience is accepting is determined by the form–the audience knows when a scene in a fiction film has been staged but accepts that a documentary is real and not staged, even though it may be. The artifact Truth or Dare (1991) is a hybrid documentary, utilizing different documentary styles and mixing them with the somewhat different…