Traditional Theodicy

A discussion of traditional theodicy and how it is presented in the Book of Job.

This paper provides an explanation of theodicy and describes the characteristics of traditional Jewish theodicy as they appear in the Book of Job.
“Accepting evil in the world and in God’s creation, one had to options: consider evil a mystery, a miscalculation in God’s work, or try to explain it and be able to either use it to one’s benefit or avoid it altogether. Theodicy takes the latter path. Theodicy, that is explanation of evil, can lead to denial (of God), to reconciliation, mysticism, satanism, etc. Let’s consider an atheist for example: he would explain existence of evil in the world by a simple syllogism: if God is good, than evil does not exist; but evil is a fact in the world, hence God does not exist (this being mainly Sartre’s argument). The traditional theodicy reconciles the two principles of good and evil by creating the principle of imperfection in part, perfection in whole, that is the principle exposed hereabove by Leibnitz: evil was a necessary part of creating good, the alternative being non-creation. From two evils, take the lesser one.”