There was a heavy misunderstanding between the Hutu and Tutsi people that generated to a civil war

There was a heavy misunderstanding between the Hutu and Tutsi people that generated to a civil war, in a country where Democracy has lost it value and stand. Paul Rusesabagina (Don Chaedle), was the manager of Sabena Hotel de Mille Collines. Paul is a Hutu and his wife Tatiana (Sophie okonedo), is Tutsi.As the tension between the Hutu and the Tutsi people, the political situation in the country went down. Paul and his family watches friends and neighbors being maltreated by the anti- Tutsi Militia. Paul tried all possible means to keep his family and neighbors safe.
When the civil war actually started, and a Rwanda Army officer threatens Paul and his neighbors, Paul hardly negotiates their safety and bring everyone to the hotel. Lots of refugees came to the hotel from the overcrowded United Nation camp, the Red Cross, and the orphanages. The United Nation peace keeping force, led by Colonel Oliver are unable to take aggressive action against the interhanwe since they are forbidden to intervene in the genocide.
The foreign nationals are evacuated, but the Rwandans are left behind. When The United Nations attempt to evacuate a group of refuges, including Paul’s family, they were instantly attacked and they decided to turn back. In a last-ditch effort to save the refugees, Paul speaks to the Rwandan Army General, Augustin Bizimungu (Fana Mokoena) and when the bribes no longer work, he blackmails him with threats of being tried as a war criminal. The family and the hotel refugees finally leave the besieged hotel in a UN convoy, and they travel through retreating masses of refugees and militia to reach safety behind Tutsi rebel lines